# Changelog HypoFuzz uses [calendar-based versioning](https://calver.org/), with a `YY-MM-patch` format. ## 24.02.3 Fixed compatibility with Pytest 8.x ([#32](https://github.com/Zac-HD/hypofuzz/issues/32)). ## 24.02.2 Fixed a dashboard bug ([#31](https://github.com/Zac-HD/hypofuzz/issues/31)). ## 24.02.1 Now requires [Hypothesis 6.93.2](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.html#v6-93-2) or later, fixing compatibility with some unstable internals that HypoFuzz hooks into (yes, again). Also deduplicates the displayed covering examples in the dashboard, when their reprs are identical. ## 23.12.1 Now requires [Hypothesis 6.91](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.html#v6-91-0) or later, fixing compatibility with some unstable internals that HypoFuzz hooks into. ## 23.07.1 Various small patches for issues found by fuzzing Hypothesis itself. Notably, we now try to fuzz functions which require autouse fixtures even though we don't provide those fixtures - it often works! ## 23.06.1 Hypofuzz now writes ``.patch`` files with failing examples, *and* optionally with covering examples - including removal of redundant covering examples. ## 23.05.3 Yet another compatibility fix for explain mode, with even _more_ tests for future regressions. Third time lucky, we hope! ## 23.05.2 Additional compatibility fix, and improved tests to avoid future regressions. ## 23.05.1 Now requires [Hypothesis 6.75.2](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.html#v6-75-2) or later, fixing compatibility with some unstable internals that HypoFuzz hooks into. ## 23.04.1 Fixed a bug affecting traceback reporting on Python 3.10+ (#16). ## 22.12.1 Fixed a `NotImplementedError` when HypoFuzz had found a failing input for *every* test running in some process. Now, we cleanly `sys.exit(1)` instead. ## 22.10.1 First open-source release! Also improves database handling and adds a timelimit to shrinking to better handle pathological cases. ## 22.07.1 Fixes compatibility with [Hypothesis 6.49.1](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.html#v6-49-1) and later (released July 5th). ## 21.12.2 Web-based time-travel debugging with [PyTrace](https://pytrace.com/) - just `pip install hypofuzz[pytrace]` and click the link on any failing test! ## 21.12.1 Improved dashboard (again!), better generation/mutation heuristics, basic residual-risk estimation, free-for-noncommercial-use on PyPI. ## 21.05.1 Improved dashboard, fixed memory leaks, support arbitary `hypothesis.event()` calls as coverage, performance improvements. ## 20.09.1 Multiprocess fuzzing with seed sharing and corpus distillation, and basic prioritisation of seeds covering rare branches. Still very much in alpha, but the fundamentals all work now. ## 20.08.1 First packaged version of HypoFuzz